Gardaí information

An Garda Síochána

Garda Clinics LeopardstownCall 999/112 for any emergencies or if you see anything suspicious!

Please scroll down for all local Garda Station numbers.

We have advised people in the past to call Dundrum Garda station if you see somebody suspicious, but some of you have experienced delays or were not even able to get through to a community guard. There has been an important update: If you see anybody suspicious, somebody not fitting in or a car slowly ‘checking out’ the areaplease call 999 immediately! This will get to Harcourt Street where the operator has the location of all Gardai cars in the country and can dispatch the closest car straight away. This patrol car might be from a different station but just coincidentally passing Ballyogan Road, so they can be down here within a couple of minutes checking out the suspicious behaviour before the criminals take off again. Please call them, do not wait for others to do it and later realise you should have. Nobody will find out that you called, but the Gardaí really needs your help with this to avoid crime and not just being called after it has happened.

Our local Garda station is Dundrum Garda Station, Kimacud Road Upper, Dundrum, Dublin 14. Dundrum Garda station is the fourth busiest station in the country and therefore unfortunately are not always able to answer all calls; also they are only in touch with their own staff.

If you would like to speak someone in your local Garda Station you can reach them at 01 666 5600, please then ask for the community guard on duty. Find out more about Dundrum Garda Station

Garda Clinics in the area:

For passports, forms to be stamped, reports, information, advice etc.

Tuesdays: Glencullen Community Centre 2pm to 4pm.

Wednesdays: Lambs Cross Community Centre 7pm to 9pm.

Thursday: Centra (Des Kennedy’s) Stepaside 7pm to 9pm.

An Garda Síochána Local Numbers:

Stepaside Garda Station: 01 666 5700

Dundrum Garda Station: 01 666 5600

Blackrock Garda Station: 01 666 5200

Shankill Garda Station: 01 666 5900

Cabinteely Garda Station: 01 666 5400

Dún Laoghaire Garda Station: 01 666 5000